Lithography is a flat printing technique invented by Alois Senefelder 1796-98. The method is based on an easy principle: a limestone absorbs fat and water, but they repel each other. The picture is drawn or painted with greasy crayon or ink on the stone, which is then wetted with water. When one applies the ink, it sticks only to the greasy surface. Then a paper i placed on the stone and the image is tranfered by pressing in a lithographic press.
One prints one color at a time, so it takes a stone per color. Today special metalplates replace the heavy limestones, but the principle and the craftsmanship is still the same.
My lithographs were printed at Graphics Printer Arne Andersson at Nacka Stone Printing, but he has unfortunately retired.
I currently have 6 different motifs, dimensions 70 x 50 cm, printed on high quality rag paper from Tumba; Zorn.
Linoleum cut is a very simple technique. After the squetch is ready and mirrored, trnsfer it to a linoleum plate. Cut away all that should be white from the plate. Then the printing ink is rolled on to the parts that stand out and a paper i placed on top. The image is transferred through rubbing or through pressure in a linopress. The technique is suitable for very limited series and small images.
This is a series of images of size 15cm x 20cm with underwater motifs. They are printed on a French graphic paper from Arches. I handprint them myself in my studio in a limited edition of 25.